Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hello All , I've had a horrible day ! I got stopped for speeding this morning and thought well just maybe I could talk my way out of the ticket.

So I got my License and Registration out and waited patiently for him to approach my car .

As he walked up I opened my window and proceeded to prepare myself to logically explain my way out of the ticket.

Obviously his speed gun has malfunctioned . There is No Possible way I could have been driving that fast ! I pondered various approaches , each with a logical explanation of why I couldn't possibly be at fault and therefore not warrant a ticket .

As if he was reading my mind , he took one look in the back seat of my car and as he smiled , he told me to save it , no use even trying . I was getting a ticket and there was no way out of it.

Confused , I looked in the back seat to see what could possible bus such damning evidence ?


I guess I've Got A Ticket To Pay For !!

Lil Traitor supposed to be MY best Friend !!


Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

So what were you in a hurry for?
and yes, it makes a diffrence....

Karen Deborah said...

dog abuse!! yeah right..

He did too put the roller in the freezer, I do not know why. But the excuse has bought me a day..